Symptoms of heart failure

In the last article we talked about heart failure and its classification. In this article we’ll discuss the most common symptoms of human heart failure.

The symptoms of heart failure manifest themselves depending on the ventricle that fails to maintain its function. If it is the left ventricle that malfunctions, the health problems are going to be associated with the pulmonary circuit, which will lead to the next symptoms:

- Dyspnea (shortness of breath)

Dyspnea, or even the feeling of suffocation in the worst cases of heart failure, can manifest itself even in the state of rest. Even the slightest shortness of breath after a small amount of exercise is a first alarming sign.

- Cyanosis

It is the appearance of a blue or purple coloration of the skin, which usually appears first in the farthest regions of the body – toes, fingers, or lips. It is an alarming sing that can point to heart failure due to left ventricular dysfunction.

- Wheezing cough

Wheezing cough, combined with heart failure, can lead to the next unpleasant symptom.

- Blood cough

With a symptom like this, you should immediately seek medical assistance.

When a person has a right ventricular dysfunction, the health problems are going to be associated with the systemic circuit, which will lead to the next symptoms:

- Edema (swelling of the limbs)

The constant recurrence of long-lasting limb swelling is one of the main symptoms of a right ventricular dysfunction.

- Pain in the liver region

This kind of pain is a symptom of blood stagnation in the liver veins, which happens often when a person has a right ventricular dysfunction.

Also, increased weakness and fatigue are characteristic symptoms of heart failure, although such symptoms can be caused not by heart problems, but by different issues having nothing to do with the heart.

The usual recommendations to the patients with chronic heart failure are: keeping your body fat in check, regular exercising, and giving up smoking and alcohol, which can influence your blood pressure – and for a patient with heart failure that can be dangerous. But in the worst cases the only things that can help are heart transplant or the installation of an artificial blood-circulation device, such as the LVAD “Sputnik”. You can find out more about the device by clicking on this link.