Product information

Charging unit
Designed for power source batteries charging. Charging unit provides the charge and control of the battery state (up to 4 batteries at the same time), as well as calibration in one of the channels. Selection of the charge and the calibration modes is automatic function (without user action). There are the status and mode of charging / calibration LED indicators on the front panel of charging unit.

Power source: mains power supply unit (2)
Mains power supply unit is the source that power all the system in a hospital directly from 220V and 50Hz. This part is used as a stationary source of energy supply unit and connects to driving unit by the power lead.

Driving Unit (2)
The complete unit consists of two similar electronic driving units, one of them is the main controller, the second – is a backup. The main driving unit controls and continually checks system operation. It uses lights and sounds to tell the patient how the system is working. The main driving unit is already connected to an implantable heart pump after surgery; backup unit is in the special bag for portable extracorporeal components. Both modules are identical to each other. During surgery and subsequent clinical use of LVAD the both driving units are recorded with the same values of the pump rotor speed. Rotor speed pump recording is carried out by operating technician at the direction of the attending doctor using a laptop.

Power source: battery (4)
Battery is a routine rechargeable power source with the internal controller and LED power charge indication. Designed for LVAD power supply. Power source provides: -Control of Li-Ion batteries charge and discharge mode (parallel-series connection of batteries) as well as monitoring of the basic parameters of batteries - Charge-discharge control, internal modes control, overheating protection, disaster recovery protection for critical situations. - Charge capacity with the current self-discharge data storage

Monitoring program key protection
Monitoring program key activates the information and computing module monitoring program.

Heart pump with percutaneous lead
This implantable part replace left ventricular function in patients with end-stage heart failure. The pump is implanted below the heart to the left ventricular and ascending aorta. The pump offloads diseased left ventricle ensures the patient required blood flow in the range from 3 to 7 l/min.
Registration certificate: RU № ФСР 2012/13099